Female Issues
Monthly menstrual periods and pregnancy can be difficult for many women due to ongoing pain and the significant body changes that occur with even a normal, healthy pregnancy. In particular, discomfort and pain during pregnancy can be particularly challenging, because pregnant patients are unable to take many medications due to the risk to the baby.
Using her conventional medical training combined with her unique skills in hands on osteopathic diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Lytle-Vieira can provide pain relief and comfort to non pregnant and pregnant patients, without the use of medication. She can help gently take the strain out of the bones, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue, and normalize structural patterns to restore balance and normal function to the pelvis, low back/spine, hips, neck, and upper back. These gentle osteopathic treatments can help relieve painful periods, pelvic pain, and muscle and spinal pain during pregnancy and beyond.
Below are some of the female issues we treat in adults and teens in our South Austin office:
heartburn in pregnancy
headaches/migraines during menstrual period/pregnancy
painful periods
pelvic pain/groin pain
spine/joint pain (low back, hip, neck, upper/mid back, etc) pain of pregnancy
"Hi Dr. Saskia, I just wanted to say "thank you" for all that you did for me. You were the catalyst for me to figure out what was going on and to get it all fixed. I so appreciate your expertise and advocacy."